Monday, May 10, 2010

Well, I finally made it to the internet. I planned on my blog being a detailed travelog but I can already tell that there just isn't going to be enough time. I've only actually been in Uganda for 3 days and already there are hundreds of stories that cool be told. Unfortunately I guess I will just have to keep it to the basics.

It took longer than expected to actually make it to Uganda. After waiting 5 hours on the plane to leave from London to Entebbe (Uganda) the cabin crew came over the intercome and told us we wouldn't be able to fly that night and we would have to wait until the next night. Obviously we were all dissapointed but I was impressed how well all the kids travelling with us just kinda laughed about the whole thing. It helped the the airline was required to put us up in a hotel and pay for all our food. Ufortunately our hotel was out in the middle of nowhere so it didn't meant that we got to spend any extra time in London.

I finally arrived in Uganda last Saturday with the 5 other girls who were on my same flight. I'm not going to lie, I was super tired but grateful for the change to hit the groud running. The house we are renting actually wasn't ready for us when we arrived so we spent all day Saturday trying to clean it up and put everything together. It was a good bonding experience.

Church yesterday was AWESOME!! We went to a little branch in a village that is about an hour away. They had stake conference the Sunday before so this week was fast and testimony meeting. I was so impressed to hear the testimonies of the people. They were so simple and to the point but you could honestly feel that they just know it's true.

After sacrament meeting a couple of the other girls and I decided we wanted to go to primary just to spend time with the kids. We went in there and sat with the kids patiently waiting for the teacher. We had been sitting there for about ten minutes when finally a man came in with a container full of lesson manuals and pictures. We asked him if he was a teacher. He looked at us quizzically and responded, "No, you are" We were totally taken of guard. We had no idea what to do with 30 kids for and hour and a half. We held our own though and the kids were sooo precious! I have never seen such beautiful children in my life! One of them was crying so I just held her in my lap and she clung for me for the rest of church. My heart just melted!!

Today we worked on our first project: Adobe stoves. First we went around and checked out all the people who had received stoves last year and how they have benefited from them. Then one of our partners showed us how to make them. It was lots of work but oh so fun. We had to stomp the clay ourselves. At first I was nervous to be trudging around in the mud barefoot but at least if I get some parasite we are all going to get it together.

One thing I have learned in Uganda is that if there is something to go wrong it will. We have adopted the phrase "If life gives you lemons make lemonade" each time something goes wrong we call it a lemon and just laugh about it. The funniest was last night. . . actually I probably shouldn't write about it, it's kinda gross but if you want to hear a really funny story let me know :) Even with everything going wrong though I have really been impressed with our groups attitude. I haven't heard anyone complain about anything, most of the time we just find ourselves busting up laughing. It's a good thing because we have 16 people living in a three bedroom house (plus a garage which 7 of us our sleeping in). It would definitaly be a challange if we weren't all so easy going.

Man, I wish I could tell you all everything but there just isn't enough time. I guess I'll just have to give it to you piece by piece. For now though I hope you will all find it comforting to know that we are all safe and having the time of our lives!!


  1. I want to hear about the funny story you didnt want to write on here because it was to gross!
    WE are happy to hear you are safe! We love you!

  2. Sounds so cool! I'm so excited for you - look at you living your dreams!! And I want to hear your story too :) And I love you! And I think you're great! :)
